Hope Magazine | Page 41

1)What is the meaning of life?

I think the meaning of life is to be able to be yourself. It is the life you aim and live as yourself


2) Do you have a clear purpose in your life, have you found your purpose in your life?


I can not say that I have found it yet. but looking for my goals and making an effort to make it happen.

3)What motivates you to find meaning in your life?


We can say to be able to express my ideas clearly. I can investigate my questions about life more  comfortably and enthusiastically in a free environment.


4)How much do you search for meaning in your life?

Frankly I don't call often. I'm just looking for meaning to recuperate when I'm emotionally empty.

5)How can you find meaning in your life?

I can get information by researching the things I love, reading the books I am interested in,  researching my questions about the meaning of life.

6)Have you ever said ''Why this happen to me'' ?

I said most of the time. There are still times when I say.


7)What goals should you set for yourself to have a meaning in life?

I can give examples such as thinking positively, not giving up, being inquisitive, doing research,  focusing on our personal development.


8)Do you think people who search for meaning are less happy and more stressed?

I guess I think a little bit like that. People can get stressed when they think too much and don't find  an answer, and stress can lead to unhappiness. I think such problems will disappear if we proceed in a healthy way.