Hope Magazine | Page 20

Hidden vs. Revealed Identity 

The theme of identity is also apparent in the epic. Odysseus was disguised as a beggar and changed to be more handsome, ugly, or old depending on the occasion by Athena throughout his long and tiring journey. When Odysseus returned home to his native land, Ithaca, Athena disguised him as a beggar so he could have an easier time plotting against the suitors and saving his family and kingdom.  Odysseus faced many perils on his 10-year-journey home, such as being held captive by Calypso and resisting the sirens. Odysseus needed to keep his identity a secret many times. He couldn't reveal his true self to his wife, father, or other citizens of Ithaca, either. At the palace, the faithful nurse Eurycleia is the only person who privately identifies him when she recognizes a scar on his leg as she bathes him. Penelope seems to suspect who he is the moment he wins the contest of the giant bow and slays the suitors.

Photo Referance: https://www.saatchiart.com/art/New-Media-Self-identity/735219/4764225/view


Human Odyssey, the Path to Existentialism (HOPE)