Hope Magazine | Page 14

Identity determines that there is a problem of belonging in the context of the same or different points between us and people. Identity in this sense is how the "self" is defined and classified in relation to others.The ID, "Who am I?".

In addition to providing an answer to the question, it is also a concept related to how society sees us.

Identity includes our place in society. According to Bauman, "identity" is the name of the escape from uncertainty. He thinks about time, that is, when he is not sure where he stands between the apparent patterns of behavior and how the people around him will accept his position as correct and appropriate. Identity is the search for escape from this uncertainty.The formation of our identity takes place depending on the influence of many variables. .

These can be listed as genetic and biological factors, cultural factors that the individual lives in, factors related to the social class he or  she is in, and factors related to the psychological environment in which he or she livesTo sum up, identity carries the values ​​that make us who we are. At the same time, it also includes the view of the society towards us.