Hope Magazine | Page 13

Who am I ?             

 I will write on identity, which attracts my attention the most among the subjects we have worked on throughout the project and which I enjoy most while working. Let's start by defining the concept of identity.

According to Gleason, the concept of "identity" started to be used extensively in the 1950s, "Who am I?" and "Where do I belong?.Identity carries the features that make us who we are.

In addition to providing an answer to the question, it is also a concept related to how society sees us.

The signs, qualities and features that are peculiar to the human being as a social being, enable one to be a certain personHe says that it expresses the characteristics that make a person special. Identity needs difference in order to exist and transforms difference into otherness in order to secure its own certainty. Everyone's identity is different. Identities are formed by pushing all otherdifferences to the background in favor of a few differences. Identity is more related to what we are and how we are recognized, rather than what we choose and want or consent to. For example, I am what race I belong to I do not specify, but this is the feature of my identity. So I do not determine the features in my identity .


"I don’t cover my face because I want to show my identity.” Malala Yousafzai
