Hope Magazine | Page 12


The link between myself and others is not only indicated by the connection between how I see myself and how other people see me, but also by the connection between what I want to be and the influences, pressures and opportunities which are available. Material, social and physical constraints prevent us from successfully presenting ourselves in some identity positions – constraints which others. The subject, ‘I’ or ‘we’ in the identity equation, involves some element of choice, however limited. The concept of identity encompasses some notion of human agency; an idea that we can have some control in constructing our own identities. There are, of course, constraints which may lie in the external World.

 Identity involves:

·         a link between the personal and the social;

·         some active engagement by those who take up identities;

·         being the same as some people and different from others, as indicated by symbols and representations;

·         a tension between how much control I have in constructing my identities and how much control or constraint is exercised over me.



Human Odyssey, the Path to Existentialism (HOPE)