Hope july 2020 | Page 6

J U L Y 2 0 2 0 | I S S U E N O . 0 1 P A G E N O . 0 5 "A Ruthless man never greets his woman with grin. He acts like a dictator and makes her feel sin." - Kavyanshi Agarwal BEAUTY HIDDEN UNDERNEATH THE WORDS OF KAVYANSHI AGARWAL! "Yesterday I asked my diary pages That now I have begun hurting you with my pen, How do you feel? Don't you get hurt by its constant strikes? They beautifully replied : you consider us alive . It's ample!" - Kavyanshi Agarwal Feelings are abstract That leave huge impact Feared to be unbridled In this world so rivaled Where people swindle And Let your soul enkindle Swaying your emotions Incarnating their imitations Grieved when objectified Panic stricken and terrified Thence initiates breakdown Total sag with tumbledown - Kavyanshi Agarwal "You're a gem, no matter how many times and in how many infinite pieces you break, you'd always shine beautiful : )" "don't ever scared to be different. Because being a 'wallflower' will only make you feel infinite in moments you'd want to live for. " - Daivi Shah To the cops That save us from drops You are the true sons guarding us since eons The ones who sacrifice And are true accomplice To those we salute And to those we astute We are here feelin' despair As we always had funfair Promising to be strong To the nation we belong That we'll continue respect Well refraining to neglect Yearning to be forgiven Ready to act as a leaven - Kavyanshi Agarwal It's beautiful that we've become humans and got the chance to live with that for as long years as we're blessed. We get to feel happiness, sadness, love, hate, beauty, ugliness, negative, postive. With every good thing, there comes a little bad to make us realise the importance of both because if we lose the positive, we lose hope but if we lose negative, we lose the importance of positive and thus hope and all the other good things. If we thank each other or express a feeling, we get rewarded back with another feeling but imagine thanking a robot or a dead person? Can you? All you'd imagine is no response because they wouldn't understand what it is to 'feel' for they're numb but don't already become numb while living. Try feeling these different emotions and you'll realise how much more of a human you are, how alive we humans are. We have the power to make non-living things feel emotions too, simply by connecting to them but it's only us who have this particular magic beneath our skins. Make use of it : ) Don't let it shrink away. - Daivi Shah "YOU CAN MAKE ANYTHING BY WRITING."C.S. LEWIS