J U L Y 2 0 2 0 | I S S U E N O . 0 1
P A G E N O . 0 3
"We write to taste life
twice, in the moment and
in retrospect." said Anais
Nin and here's what
ImAaf's Poetry Pages's
जीते जी तो कोई तारीफ नह करने
ा बनने के लए यहां मरना
पड़ता है।
"When you're alive, No one is going to
appreciate you...But you have to die here to be
declared good or appreciated."
आईने भी कु छ इस तरह शनासा है तुझ
सेदेखू जो खुद को तेरा ही अ स
दखाते है।
"The mirror itself praises you in such a way that
whenever I look at it, It shows me your
गर खलाफ है ज़माना होने दे।जो खुश
नह तुझ से उ ह रोने दे।तू अपनी
को शश का आगाज़ कर इक नई सुबह
से।जो गफलत म पड़े ह उ ह सोने दे।
"If the whole world is against you, let them
be...Those who are not happy with you, let
them cry...You carry on with your trials and
start with a new sun...And let the negligent
people keep sleeping…"
जस तरह चांदनी होती है चंद के
ा लगता है मेरा नाम तेरे नाम
के साथ।
"The way moonlight stays with moon... The
same way My name stays with your name."
- ImAaf's Poetry Pages
English translation by - Jisa George
Hold me like
I want you to
hold me like
Ocean holds depth, Never ending
As my soul desires endless hug
Hold me Like
Wind holds strength
blow can rip up the tract
Dense, bone crushing bear hug
I want you to
hold me like
Mountain holds height
Sky kissing ,
kiss me to the
highest heartbeat
I want you to
hold me like
Fire holds light
glow and shine ,
Warmth ,
Clasp my waist ,set my soul on fire
Fill my eyes with sparkle of love and desire
I want you to
hold me like
Universe holds galaxies
Hold every nerve of my body, fulfill my
Hold me like
Sun holds vitality
Earth holds gravity
Show me your power, your energy ,
your strength,
your desire
Between the sheets
Rule me
Be my majesty
Hold me like
Veins hold blood
Heart holds love
Tounge holds taste
Brain holds memories
Hold me
to the dawn
to the last breathe
to the last day .
- Ishita Agarwal