J U L Y 2 0 2 0 | I S S U E N O . 0 1
P A G E N O . 0 2
Lost and loved!
I've lost the heart of mine,
To have thine!
With promises in the air,
My life is mare!
Eyes full of dreams,
Your words were like creme!
Clouded with our memories,
Running over the hills and terrains,
With the only wish that my eyes could meet yours!
Finding every single chance,
So that I could become complete!
The thorn on my foot doesn't bother me,
But the fact that my eyes don't meet yours does!
Lame promises into fulfilling commitments,
I'll wait for that even for an eternity!
If I could ever know that it would happen one day!
- Gayathri Krithika
"Words can be like X-rays
if you use them properly
they'll go through
anything. You read and
you're pierced."
-Aldous Huxley, Brave
New World
"There's no answer for
the tears, all we have is
just a releivement"
-Gayathri Krithika
ந ம ைகய ல இ க
வைர க காம
இ த ஒ தா
ைக ய வ ேபான
அ பற கதற அழ
"Those which you ignore that is present with you
now is what makes you cry later when it is out of
ந லேதா ெக டேதா அ
நம நட காம
ம தவ க
நட கற வைர அ
ெவ ெபா ேபா
த தா
"Good news or bad news, it's secondary. Until it
happens to us, everything is just an
entertainment news."
ந ம ப ர ச ைனய
ம தவ க
ந ைன ேபா தா
எ லா ப ர சைன
ஆர பமா .
"When you expect others to understand your
problems, that becomes a root cause to all of
your problems."
நம ேவ ய ஒ
ப க ல இ ல னா,
அ க ற ேவற எ
இ தா அ
மத இ ல
"If what we value is not within our reach, every
other things surrounding us becomes valueless."
- Dhivya T
English translation by - Gayathri Krithika