Hope Church Brisbane Events Church Conference 2013 - FiveFold | Page 28

7 Key aspects for development (Luke 2:52, Eph 4:12-13) ASPECTS SCALE GIFTED QUALITY NOVICE APPRENTICE COMPETENT EXPERT MINISTRY COMPETENCY NOVICE APPRENTICE COMPETENT EXPERT TRAINER COMPETENCY NOVICE APPRENTICE COMPETENT EXPERT TEAM COMPETENCY TEAM SEEKER TEAM WORKER TEAM BUILDER TEAM MULTIPLIER LEADERSHIP COMPETENCY NOVICE APPRENTICE COMPETENT EXPERT CHARACTER GROWTH CHILD ADOLESCENT ADULT FATHER MINISTRY EXPERIENCE SCOPE LOCALISED LIMITED BROAD EXTENSIVE Novice = beginner, inexperienced, weak in competency. Apprentice = developing, gaining some reasonable experience/competency. Competent = fully functional with adequate experience/competency. Expert = advanced function with extensive experience/advanced competencies. Child = somewhat immature. Adolescent = stable but still inadequate in maturity. •? Adult = mature and fulfil the character requirements of an elder. Father = character significantly reflects Christ-likeness. Localised = limited within local church or Christian organisation. Limited = beyond local church but quite limited. Broad = beyond one’s geographical/demographic boundaries. Extensive = significant breadth and depth in reach and years of experience. Giftedness quality is about their raw anointing PAGE 24