Hope Church Brisbane Events Church Conference 2013 - FiveFold | Page 17
Clarification on ”Marketplace Apostles”
Marketplace apostle needs clarity on the relationship between the church and the Kingdom. For the church is the central vehicle
of the Kingdom of God on earth. So whatever marketplace apostles seek to build should intentionally build the church, not just
the marketplace alone nor believers in general.
What about marketplace apostle? Apostles must show the marks and fruits of an apostle as explained above.
A marketplace apostle should first be evidence by signs & wonders and fruits of leadership of churches.
Fivefold apostles will birth new churches and new works due to their passion to extend the Kingdom of God.
Their strong visionary leadership will motivate and empower other church leaders.
They will see the bigger picture of the Kingdom.
Often, they will lay good foundations in churches that enables it to grow and multiply.
Fivefold apostles will also be able to function in the other fivefold gifts, though not usually at an advanced level except the
gifting they had developed prior to their apostolic calling.
Anointed apostles will have revelation of certain keys of the Kingdom that enables them to build strong and multiplying
churches. Keys that enable them to bring spiritual breakthrough for the Kingdom in areas of their calling.
They will exercise divine authority to establish strongholds for the Kingdom.
Anointed apostles will be able to unite fivefold ministries to work with them.