HOOPS MAGAZINE Jun. 2013 | Page 10


Undoubtedly , theposesionofbothphysicalandmentalwelnesdistinguishesatrue championfrom agoodal-starplayer . While thegameofbasketbaldoesdemandahigh levelofphysicalexertionandstrength , some maybesurprisedtolearnthatthesportalso

Sometipsformentalwelnes :
• Winning should notbeyourtop priority . Considerimprovementinstead .
• Everyone self-criticizes . Don ’ tstop ; learn how tofilteryourthoughtsin awaythat worksforyou .
• Peptalksareencouraging . Surroundyour- encompasesmanyaspectsofmentalhealth . Forinstance , theabilitytosuppresnegative selfwithpositivepeoplewhodriveyoutonot emotions from afecting performance , to onlysucceed , butalsoimprove . show good sportsmanship , to work wel • Ifyounoticefaultsinyourtechniquesdonot underpresurewhileformulatingefective addresthem altogether . Doeverythingone strategies , are al significant aspects of atatime . mentaltrainingwhicharefirmlyembedded • Don ’ tgetofendedbycriticismsaboutyour inthesportofbasketbal . Athleteswhoseek technique . Absorbwhatisbeingsaidandseek totohonetheboundlesskilsofthemindwil toimproveitifitisanisue . soon afterdiscoverthatsuccesinevitably • Don ’ tletthecourtsbeanoutletforemotions . A sesyouremotionalstabilitybefore- folowsbothonandofthecourts .
PhilJackson , oftenthoughttobethe hand . bestcoachtheNBA hadtoofer , iswidely • Adoptapositivementality known for paying greatatention to his • Don ’ ttrytobewhatyoucan ’ tbe . Everyone team ’ s mentalwelnes and training . He hasphysicalandmentalbarriers . placed greatemphasison conceptualizing • Fakeit ‘ tilyouinternalizeit , notjustuntil andbuildingconfidenceasindividuals , and youmakeit . asateam .
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