Hoops Elite Magazine
Great team environment
“The new team is gelling together just
fine,” says Coach Brown. “The pre-season
defeats will help the team to gain the
experience needed to perform well and
clean up all the loopholes as the season
progresses. We have a fearless team
with some shortcomings which we iron
out slowly by watching the game film
together.” She is excited at the prospect
of players scoring well in spite of some
close defeats and she is confident that the
team will be a force to reckon with.
Goals for the season
“It’s all about the team and not my goals
which should be prioritized,” explains
Coach Brown. She also explains how
before every match every player writes
down their own individual goals for the
game and she encourages them to set
their goals high so as to have maximum
positive influence on the game. The
commitment and sacrifice of the team
as a whole are more important than any
individuals’ goal. The team desires to go
undefeated and desires to win another
Beyond the court
“I had some great coaches and some great
mentors during my time as a student
15 | Issue 1 - Jan 2015
athlete which helped me be disciplined
which I impart to my team as well. We are
accountable for the girls that come to join
our program.” She also tells about how she
has a close relationship with the team and
doesn’t turn a deaf ear and pays proper
attention to them. We have girls fr