Hooo-Hooo Volume 11 Nr 1 | Page 17

(RMF) at death using best-fit models adjusted for small sample sizes. Renal medullary fibrosis was a key contributor to CRD and may precede RA since a few of the cheetahs with no RA at death had CRD; more cheetahs had RMF than RA; and all cheetahs in which death was caused by CRD had RMF. Chronic renal infarction was positively associated with renal cortical fibrosis but not with GS; renal cortical lesions were not correlated with medullary ones. All the parameters measured occurred primarily in adult or elderly cheetahs, except for EC which was present in cheetahs of all ages. However, a few juvenile cheetahs had IPC or were diagnosed with severe gastritis before and at death; and small numbers of subadult cheetahs had gastro- intestinal tract and renal disease at death. Very early intervention may therefore be necessary to prevent these conditions. Renal lesions in these cheetahs were similar to those described in domestic cats with CRD and may have a similar pathogenesis: repetitive subclinical ischaem ic tubular damage associated with age, stress-related adrenaline and renin-angiotensin- aldosterone responses, diet and/or infectious disease. Cheetahs may be particularly susceptible to such ischaemic renal tubular damage due to their propensity for stress in captivity, their adaptation for fecundity (rather than longevity) and for adrenaline-mediated high speed prey chases. Survival probabilities for all age groups in the facility under study increased after 2001 when intensive disease management was instituted (gastritis and renal disease monitoring and treatment and vaccination for Feline Panleukopaenia Virus in late pregnancy) but this could not be linked to differences in lesion prevalence. Gastritis and EC were positively associated with each other but gastro-intestinal tract lesions were not associated with any of the renal lesions, suggesting that gastro-intestinal tract inflammation may not be a primary trigger for RA. Since many of the cheetahs that died without RMF and RA had parents with these lesions (67% and 54% respectively) and since king cheetahs were not more susceptible than normal coat cheetahs to any of the lesions measured, genetics may not play a primary role in the pathogenesis of these conditions. Comparing haematological and biochemical parameters of non- injured and critically injured immobilised white rhinoceroses (Ceratotherium simum simum) https://vimeo.com/207934477 J.P. du Preez 1 , A. Tordiffe 2 , L. Meyer 2 and G. Steenkamp 1 Department of Companion Animal Clinical Studies, Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Pretoria. [email protected], gerhard.steenkamp@ up.ac.za; 2 Department of Paraclinical Parsons, Sven