Hooo-Hooo Hooo-Hooo Volume 11 Nr 4 | Page 19

CPD Questionnaire

Answer the questions on the Vet360 App . Available from the Itunes / Play Store ! Alternative method : Complete your CPD on the traditional webplatform or SMS system follow the link from www . vet360 . vetlink . co . za
1 . What type of virus is lumpy skin disease virus ?
A .
Herpesvirus .
B .
Poxvirus .
C .
Coronavirus .
D .
Morbillivirus .
E .
Astrovirus .
2 . In which of the following African countries has clinical
lumpy skin disease been conclusively confirmed in
springbok ?
A .
Namibia .
B .
Egypt .
C .
Saudi Arabia .
D .
Nigeria .
E .
South Africa .
3 . Which of the following African wildlife species are known
to be highly susceptible to experimental infection with
lumpy skin disease virus ?
A .
Impala .
B .
Nyala .
C .
Waterbuck .
D .
African Buffalo .
E .
Wildebeest .
4 . Which of the following body tissues / fluids are deemed
to carry the highest concentration of LSDV ?
A .
Blood .
B .
Saliva .
C .
Skin nodules .
D .
Milk .
E .
Nasal secretions .
5 . Which of the following are considered the most likely
primary mode of transmission of the virus between
animals ?
A .
Direct animal contact .
B .
Infected saliva .
C .
Arthropod vectors .
D .
Milk .
E .
Venerial .
6 . From which of the following arthropods has lumpy skin
disease virus been recovered ?
A .
Aedes vexans .
B .
Culex mirificens .
C .
Rhipicephalus sanguinius .
D .
Musca confiscate .
E .
Amblyoma variegatum .
7 . Which of the following clinical signs associated with
lumpy skin disease virus infection , have been most
commonly described in springbok ?
A .
Cutaneous nodules .
B .
Orchitis .
C .
Abortion .
D .
Upper respiratory tract disease .
E .
Stomatitis .
8 . Which of the following diagnostic procedures is
considered a rapid and specific test for the confirmation of
lumpy skin disease ?
A .
Immunoflurescence .
B .
Immunohistochemistry .
C .
Cytology .
D .
Virus isolation .
E .
Histopathology .
9 . Which of the following specimens would be considered
the preferred sample for lumpy skin disease PCR ?
A .
Blood in heparin .
B .
Serum .
C .
Transport medium swab of skin nodule .
D .
Transport medium swab of saliva .
E .
Dry swab of skin nodule .
10 . At which of the following locations can LSDV inclusion
bodies be found in H & E stained sections ?
A .
Intranuclear in macrophages .
B .
Intranuclear in endothelial cells .
C .
Intranuclear in follicular epithelial cells .
D .
Intranuclear in smooth muscle cells .
E .
Intracytoplasmic in epidermal keratinocytes .
2017 December 19