Hooo-Hooo Hooo-Hooo Vol. 14 Issue 01 | Page 8

WildLife Group 3. 4. 5. 6. of the SAVA Team handling animals must get used to the slightly different behavior of immobilized animal. Can easily approach an animal while still standing and move the animal into convenient and safe position but you must get used to judging the behavior of the darted animal. Slightly more difficult to keep animal in groups when immobilizing groups of animals with the helicopter. More challenging to collect blood from immobilized animals due to the lower blood pressure. Tranquilization regime for transport more challenging in some species such as roan. In roan and sable, you need to give atipamezole on loading to prevent them from lying down in the truck. It might be challenging to then decide on a good tranquilizer to keep the animals calm during transport. More possibilities: Any animal that develop respiratory distress or other complications one can use yohimbine as partial antidote or atipamezole or a combination to get various levels of reversal of the α2 effect. Also possible to reverse the potent opioid and use a α2 agonist, butorphanol, ketamine combination to keep the animal down for longer procedures. Reversal regime: Alpha2 agonist: Atipamezole is administered at a dose 1 mg: 1 mg with medetomidine for satisfactory reversal. Yohimbine and atipamezole combinations are often used: 50ml of yohimbine (6.25mg/ml) is combined with 2ml of atipamezole (50mg/ml), then 0.3ml of this mixture is used to reverse 1mg of medetomidine. yohimbine alone used in specific situations where partial reversal is appropriate naltrexone is used to reverse thiafentanil Summary: The low dose potent opioid, low dose α2 agonist drug combination achieves a superior quality, safe anesthesia at much lower dosages than published drug combination of drugs in most large ungulates in South Africa. It also provides the vet more opportunity to 8 manipulate the immobilization of large ungulates to better suit specific situations. A special thanks to Mr. Frans Stapelberg of Lekkerleef Buffel Boerdery for allowing me to do this work on his excellent animals and in the best handling facilities. Without his faith in this project, the work would not be possible. Example 1: Dart for buffalo cow in good condition from the helicopter, on a reserve of 10 000 ha. Drug Traditional dose HH dose Thiafentanil 7 mg 1 mg Medetomidine - 4 mg Azaperone 40 mg 40 mg Downtime 5 min 6 min* *Potential to walk this animal safely and easy before she goes down to a road or safer area. Example 2: Dart for kudu bull from the helicopter, in an area with poor road access Drug Traditional dose HH dose Thiafentanil 12 mg 2 mg Medetomidine 4 mg 12 mg Azaperone 40 mg 40 mg Downtime 7 min Standing 7 mins, down 9 min* *From 6 min the animal can be caught and with a cattle prodder and rope be walked for 10 min or more to a road.