Instagram: HookedUpDigital
Twitter: HookedUpDigital
Facebook: HookedUpDesigns
Youtube: HookedUpDesigns
Pinterest: HookedUpDesigns
o all of our readers and viewers, we believe it’s important for us to
connect with you anyway we can. As we expand and grow, we want
to show our thanks to all of you in the fishing, boating, and coastal life-
style community.
Please share with us your favorite memories on the water or on the
beach. Send us photos of your exciting events. In order to do this, here
are some important instructions as to how to get a picture in our maga-
zine, on our website, or on our social media platforms.
irst, we ask that you do not try to submit images using just your
phone. Second, we ask for you to have at least a 5-megapixel camera
with a high-resolution setting. Third, we need you to download the de-
sired pictures to your computer and rename the files. Remember, when
you rename the files, please include your full name, species, where you
caught the fish, and any other relevant information you’d like considered
for inclusion. Lastly, email them to us at [email protected].
f you’d like the opportunity to become a featured angler for Hooked
Up Designs, please note that we are a growing magazine and we’re
happy to feature both male and female anglers. We are empowering you,
the angler, to orchestrate a feature that will include our partners and
yours. We ask that you send us 8 to10 high-quality photographs of your
outing. These must be pictures of you fishing, on a boat, near the water
and having fun. When submitting these pictures, please follow the same
guidelines as stated above for Hooked Up on You.
Please send to [email protected]
Also, if you care to join our awesome team, whether in sales, as a con-
tributing writer, or as a captain, feel free to get in touch. We would love
to build our team with people who are involved in our community and
who share our passions, so that you have the opportunity to share your
talents with our fan base.
Please feel free to reach out to us with any thoughts, questions, or sug-
gestions. This is your magazine and we appreciate your input!
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