Hooked Up Designs Magazine December 2017 | Page 15
this configuration gives an undeni-
able advantage to the sight fisher-
man. It’s no big mystery how this
vantage point is helpful; fishermen
have been spotting fish from the
towers of big, open-water boats for
generations. It just hasn’t been uti-
lized very often on small boats—the
boats of anglers who almost entirely
sight fish.
The 2050’s raised helm is hand-
somely fabricated out of sturdy pow-
der-coated tubing that secures to the
hull with a wide stance for improved
balance. The bends are intelligently
thought out and the welds are beau-
tiful. The pilot enjoys his or her
enhanced view from a leaning post-
style bench with a rack of rocket
launchers fastened to its backrest.
The floor of the helm is the exact
right height for seeing distant fish,
but not so high as to upset the boat’s
stability or center of gravity, which
on poorly designed taller models
can cause teetering like a sea buoy
while at rest.
The 2050’s bottom hull was based
off Action Craft’s extremely popular
2020 hull. Then further improve-
ments were made for additional
strength and stability, which also
improved ride comfort – even while
in the raised helm.
Combining the Texas-style el-
evated helm with other outstand-
ing features borrowed from boats
in other parts of the Gulf has seem-
ingly created the perfect nearshore
vessel. At just over 20 feet long and
eight feet wide, it’s fully capable in
waters less skinny, like bays, beach-
es, and over wrecks and reefs within
sight of land.
So if you take your near-and in-
shore fishing serious and want an
undeniable advantage over other
anglers on your waterways, you re-
ally need to get in touch with Action
Craft and take a look at this beauty
first hand. Maybe you can even get
a sea trial. But fair warning: Many
believe that once you’ve sight fished
from a shoal boat, there’s no going
back to water’s level.