Hooch oct 2013 | Page 2


5 Tricks

And How to do them!


To perform a kickflip, the rider ollies into the air, and lifts the back foot from the board while simultaneously sliding the front foot off the skateboard diagonally forward and towards the heel of the foot. This front foot motion, sometimes called "the flick", spins the board, flipping it completely over. Before landing, the rider stops the spin by returning the feet to the board as it nears its original position.


A shove-it is performed by standing on the board, jumping up a bit and pushing the tail down and to its side. Even though the tail should not touch the ground and the board should not lift off the ground more than about an inch, the board should quickly spin 180 degrees. The skateboarder then catches the board with his feet after it has completed the 180 degree rotation and lands on it.