Honors College Art & Science of Emotions Fall 2017 (12:00 p.m.) Love Journal | Page 17

Depending on the audiences past experiences or memories , their emotions that are express toward this image will be very different . Rom Harre ’ s philosophy explains that our society develops their emotions based on what they are exposed to ( Johnson 8 ). A veteran or soldier may put themselves in that situation and feel the struggle that the soldier and child has . They will know the environment that the boy lives in and have a better understanding of the hardship that he may be facing . For people of all different backgrounds , they may feel a sense of hope , happiness , sadness , and love for both subjects . It is interesting how the sadness of what the veteran feels would most likely be different from what a person who isn ’ t a soldier feels . This example represents Hume ’ s Theory of Sympathy . Hume ’ s definition of Sympathy states “ the conversion of an idea into an impression by the force of imagination ” ( Agosta 6 ). The interaction portrayed in the picture between the soldier and young boy gives off specific emotions and this “ idea ” is communicated to the audience where they feel an emotion of their own . Here , even our actual English language may block one from expressing their true emotions .
When people view this picture , it may spark a horrific memory of the event that took place on September 11 , 2001 . This day has forever changed the world . It may bring memories of exactly where they were when the news of the terrorist attack was happening on American soil . This may bring complete sadness to them especially if they lost their loved ones in the attack . On the other hand , this picture may bring them reassurance that the world will reach a sense of peace eventually . As mentioned , there is an obvious connection of love with the mannerisms of both of the subjects in the picture . The audience may feel the love between them and reflect that back on themselves .
Clearly , the reason for emotions and love can be explained by both psychological and physiological theories . It is this challenge that makes it difficult to define what exactly love is . By analyzing this picture of the soldier and boy , it shows both of their loves for one another and the soldiers love for his country . In a world , that has an immense amount of division and terrorism , this picture plays a huge role in showing that with love , there may be peace eventually . •