Honors College Art & Science of Emotions Fall 2017 (12:00 p.m.) Happiness Group Completed Project | Page 9

touch the sky, making it nearly im- possible to see the sun, moon, and stars. The birds replaced with metal places and the moon with “satellites,” that further distract the people from understanding the truth. The truth that while the technology they are using makes life for them easier, are they truly happy with it came with? In an earlier time, an as- tronaut from space peering at earth was able to see the cities light up the sky at night. However, years of in- dulgence and ignorance led to a ball of noxious gas encroaching the plan- et, plunging the world into a state of permanent darkness. In this path of the road, it is always night time, but illuminated by tool we sought to use only to make living easier. Now these tools the environment has shape means the everything to the people living in the world, both keeping them distracted and alive. To rekin- dle the old ideas of nature, people constructed fake trees and streetlight to decorate their streets; new cloth attire with images of nature and trees are sold at a high price to re- turn to a sense of nostalgia. The people paved paradise, and put up a parking lot. The Scenery of Materialism By: Jacob Bustamante W inding down to the other path of the roads leads to a bright, shiny city with tower- ing skyscrapers and storefronts; however, the streets feel cold. Not due to temperature but because the people residing in the streets are not interacting with each other, and are more attentive to the mesmerizing environment surrounding them. High -end stores like Neiman Marcus, Ver- sace, Apple, and Omega outline the landscape, peddling their wares to the masses who could not resist the status they thought they would earn through purchasing it. Bright neon signs dotted the city reminiscent of Las Vegas, but instead of displaying the Wonders of the World, they cor- rupted it. Each fake monument of the Earth’s wonders and humanities achievements reduced to mere gift shops selling faux trinkets and mean- ingless goods. 4k computer moni- tors, boost enhanced sneakers, alli- gator-lined suits lined the store’s windows that were purchased to fill the consumers greed for which there was no end to. Each person, even some children, were distracted by the screens surrounding them. The displays showed them myriads of useless in- formation that only serve to distract them from their dai- ly lives. The landscape of the cities blasts their lumi- nescent lights into the sky to reveal that the clouds and ceiling of the world is ominous and lifeless. Smog and harmful gases plume from the skyscrapers that 9