Honors College Art & Science of Emotions Fall 2017 (12:00 p.m.) Happiness Group Completed Project | Page 5
split everything up. We eventually
decided that one of the group mem-
bers would discuss the actual split of
the roads for happiness, with one be-
ing the “nature” version of happi-
ness, and the other being the materi-
alistic version. The remaining six
members would pick one side of the
road and discuss one aspect of it and
talk about how it is related to happi-
We decided as a group that we
wanted to make each road seem
equal to t he other in their own ways.
We wanted the aspects of the roads
to “parallel” each other in a way. We
did this by splitting our six members
up, three would discuss the nature
side while the other three would talk
about the materialistic side. Still us-
ing the ideas that we discussed in
our previous lecture, we were able to
give our own personal spin on as-
pects of happiness that we thought
were important. Each of us was able
to focus solely on one aspect which
helped us with research as well as
For the other parts of our jour-
nal, such as the intro, conclusion,
and bio, we began to collaboratively
work on it. Once we all had a general
idea of how we wanted to go about
these items, it was not too difficult to
delegate it and finish it on our own.
We used Google Drive so we would
be able to upload to the same place
and edit each other’s work if needed.
Overall, the process of making our
journal was a fun experience where
each of us got a chance to contribute
our ideas to the group.
Our Approach
ur idea to construct an imagi-
nary image of two roads repre-
senting two opposing ends on
the spectrum of happiness stemmed
from one of our lectures in class. Our
lecture began as a discussion about
our vision and society’s vision of
happiness. As a class, we eventually
came up with our own personal rep-
resentation of happiness. Every stu-
dent made contributions to create an
image that depicted two roads repre-
senting the nature related form of
happiness and the materialistic form
of happiness. When meeting in our
small group for happiness, we
thought it would be a good idea to
think back on that date and possibly
recreate that vision and add to it. We
used a recording of the conversation
from that day as a sort of template
for our journal. We then began to
brainstorm various ideas and topics
that we could take more in depth and
make our own.
With seven members in our
group, we had to think of a way to