Honors College Art & Science of Emotions Fall 2017 (1:20 p.m.) Sadness Journal | Page 28

attending class and completing assignments and having time to study . As previously stated , there is only so much time in a day , and not everything can be accomplished , so some area must suffer . There lies a choice , whether to work for money to pay for living expenses , or to go to every class and complete all classwork . Society firmly pushes for students to focus primarily on their studies , but in today ’ s world , that isn ’ t always reasonable . If the student chooses to work , it ’ s like they ’ re wasting money on their classes by not putting in full effort , but if they go to class and put all their effort into class , some students are not able to get by monetarily . This decision overall would cause anyone sadness , and neither scenario is beneficial . This is a widespread , well understood cause of sadness for college individuals , and this brings them together in a way , because they all understand the struggle of being a student without a lot of money , which brings them closer together . Though sadness is commonly seen as undesirable , and in these instances , it generally is , sadness still has the power to bring individuals together in a way that no other emotion can . A sense of unity comes from the pain , which makes it easier to deal with , if only slightly .
Another common emotion felt on college campuses is anger . This anger can be directed at oneself , a professor , a roommate , or just at college in general . Society tells students they can be independent and pick their own classes , and should be happy about it , because they can take classes that are interesting and at the times that they would like to . This isn ’ t always the case , though . With all the major requirements , and requirements to graduate in general , there are many classes that students must take that they simply despise . In addition , classes aren ’ t always at convenient times , so instead of the 11 AM class the student was trying to schedule for , there ends up being only one section available at 8 AM . These scheduling situations create anger directed at oneself , for picking a major with no good class time , and the university for not having a better selection of classes and for having so many rules to graduate . Roommates and dorms are another common anger inducing part of college , especially if the roommates don ’ t get along very well . There ’ s arguments over buying food and toiletries , borrowing each other ’ s things without ask-
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