Honors College Art & Science of Emotions Fall 2017 (1:20 p.m.) Love Journal | Page 15

. The only type of love that introverts may truly have the advantage in is agape . Since agape is considered love for humanity, it doesn’t require the introvert to express it to another person, and tends to be more abstract, both attributes which are in favor of introverts. The introvert is free to feel agape and ponder existence solitarily. In conclusion, the greatest difference that separates introverts from extraverts is how their brain processes information and how it rewards them. Because an extravert’s neural pathways are wired to encourage action, they are generally more comfortable expressing any form of love than introverts are, whose brain prefers contemplation before action. Given their brain’s processing system is also highly compat- ible with the attachment stage of physical attraction, extraverts have a chemical relationship with love which is notably different from an introvert’s. However, the introvert’s tendency towards abstract thought may behaviorally lead them closer to agape than an extravert. Overall, however, just as Wasa claims that “heightened emotions of a romance” could be true of either sex (Conley, Kristina Wasa 1626- 1689 ), both personality types are susceptible to internal experiences of passion. What matters most is how both types express it. 15