Volume 4
JUNE 2014
Sept 2013 I learned from Hongki & Mina
magic. Little quirks that we previously accepted
about love and peace? Hongki & Mina will
became major points of annoyance and friction.
forever hold a special place in my heart. I feel
Then suddenly, a couple months ago, my husband
fortunate to have been able to witness the
became distant and non responsive. We were no
love that evolved between them throughout
longer speaking to each other. A few weeks of Cold
GWGM. In simple terms, they reminded me
War went by and then he sent me a long email with
of what it is like to fall in love. It is through
many complaints. At first I was PO’d and ready to
them that I relived the first love jitters, the
fight back. But then, I reflected on what I really want
eagerness to please the other, the acts of
from my marriage. I was angry but I still love my my
service, the sensation of the heart beating
husband. What I wanted was to get back the loving
faster, the anxiety of missing the other and
and caring relationship...being able to recognize and
the happiness to see the other. I and many
accept that we have differences but emphasize with
viewers were able to witness all these and
the other. I thought about how Mina and Hongki have
more from Hongki and Mina’s brief stint on
such different personalities and interests, yet they
GWGM. What impressed me most was
learned to embrace these differences. So, rather
how both of them were able to stay true
than fighting no-holds-barred, I softened and then
to themselves but to allow their hearts to
he responded similarly. We still had some ups and
grow to accept the other, warts and all. It
downs and lots of work to do, but our relationship is
was through their ups and downs, that I was
getting back on track. The positive, loving vibe from
reminded that love requires earnest effort and
Hongki and Mina, gave me the guidance to end the
diligence, acceptance and forgiveness….
Cold War and bring back the love and peace.
which eventually yields peace. My personal
story is this: In two weeks I will be celebrating
my tenth year anniversary with my husband.
For the most part we’ve been blessed with
a sweet life...a lovely son who just turned 6;
thriving, busy careers and living in our dream
home. Yet somehow amidst the busyness
of everyday life and the material comforts,
we had somehow lost that honeymoon