Volume 3
MAY 2014
It’s been over a year since many
share an arm pillow. While it took our Daramji couple all the way until their
of us first encountered the Daramji
honeymoon show to get to that, Puff and Heechul got there on the second
Couple that is so close to our hearts.
show. Believe it or not Puff and Heechul also shopped and looked at couple
I, like many of you have watched
underwear. I sure everyone remembers when Hongki and Mina were seen
the show’s episodes over and over
shopping for underwear during their honeymoon shopping trip. The second
again and know certain scenes by
couple in season 2, Key and Ari remind me the most of Hongki and Mina
heart. So, it was with some surprise
in that they are a Korean/ Japanese couple. Like our Hongki, Key talks to
that while watching the new season
Ari in Japanese. Like our couple, Key prepared a gift note for his new wife
of “Global We Got Married” I started
and gave it to her at the first meeting. This same couple went to the sea
to notice parallels between many of
and shouted out a wish, Key even gave Ari his sneakers so that she could
the things that Hongki and Mina did
walk on the beach, shades of Hongki/Mina on their honeymoon at Okinawa
and the things the new couples are
beach. Key went to support Ari at her photo shoot not unlike Mina going to
doing. At the first meeting between
support Hongki at his movie press conference. So there were lot of things
Hongki’s friend Heechul and actress
that have what I am beginning to call the Daramji Effect, things that are so
Puff, it was Heechul who slowly
like our couple that they could have been inspired by them. It a bit too early
snuck up to meet Puff a reversal
in the new couples relationships for me to guess if things will go deeper
of Hongki and Mina’s first meeting
and get more real like with our couple. But it’s early days yet and I will be on
when Mina slowly snuck up to meet
the look our for more of the Daramji Effect. If the new couples on the 2nd
Hongki. In the second show in
season of GWGM end up being half as real as Hongki and Mina then they
season two Heechul and Puff also
are off to a good start and being inspired by the Daramji Effect can only
shared a very Hongki/Mina moment
serve them well.
when Heechul tried to get Puff to