Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Poetry 2020complete | Page 7

Chinessia - A Tanka Poem Yew Chung International Primary School, Cheung, Hoi Yiu Latisha - 7 People with bent backs, All the seasons are quite warm. Fresh rain falling down, Also very bright sunshine. People work quite late at night. Our New Continent - A Tanka Poem Yew Chung International Primary School, Ching, Sophie - 6 Many languages Fun activities to do Fresh handmade dim sum Mini buses driving fast IFC high in the sky Our New Continent - A Tanka Poem Yew Chung International Primary School, Ching, Sophie - 6 Many languages Fun activities to do Fresh handmade dim sum Mini buses driving fast IFC high in the sky Our New Home - A Tanka Poem Yew Chung International Primary School, Huang, Chang Hao - 7 Lots of businesses Beautiful view from the peak Lots of moving cars World-wide tourist attraction Tasty cultural dim sum buns.