Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Poetry 2020complete | Page 97

Fallen Angels Harrow International School Hong Kong, Kerr, Alison - 15 Lost in a city of dazzling light, A sea of lost souls all alight. Towers of glass-like sparkling gold, Kingdom of luxury and money eightfold. Thrones of gold and silver like snow, Beauty and youth to bestow. Painting not a mirror on the wall, But we are not close to the curtain call. You look on the surface of dazzling light, You tell not how that light too bright. For those overshone are not in sight, If you look carefully, you might get a fright. All is glamour, beauty and allure, But the cracks in the facade are for sure. Fallen angels have taken over the Earth, And from the ashes, they had birthed. Beauty that is cruel, hungry and vain, The happiness around is certainly feigned. You see not past that fake facade, You see not how the shadows flawed. But when the light goes out, the monsters crawl, But they are not the ones to maul. For those in light are angels fall, To those left behind may horror befall. Towers of glass up in heavenly flame, City of ashes to proclaim. So freedom and honour can remain, Elysian peace is to gain.