Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Poetry 2020complete | Page 32

More than 150 years ago, Hong Kong was just tourist overseas. Macao was not our hometown, either. Even Shenzhen was just a poor fishing village. Several other cities were also poor areas of the motherland. At that time, we had no common country; At that time, we had no common hometown. At that time, all the people scattered like sand, wandering in the sea of South China. 70 years ago, the new China's cannon rang, the Chinese people ushered in the final liberation. 22 years ago, Hong Kong returned to the embrace of its motherland. Then Macao returned to its mother's arms. And today, this hometown has been scattered for many years. Finally, we have a common name, it has also become our common hometown. Its name is, “Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Bay area.” “G.B.A”for short. Great Bay Area, my wonderful dream land, Great Bay Area, my enchanted hometown.