Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Poetry 2019 | Page 88

But everything expires Even on journeys like this Everything slows down Even time seems to stop My days go slowly So I complained, Nothing happens! I wish for a change Then in the silent night I hear the rumbling sound of a storm And I pray for it to be A distant bird, oh please! But it is not, A tropical bird It is instead A full-blown storm! Oh how foolish I were! To wish such a wish! Now all because of me A storm has hit the ship Everyone up! I hear my master shout We’ve hit a storm! And we must move! I jump up I rush out My father is running My brother is sprinting My fellow friend My companion the cook All are in frenzy All are in such hurry And I must run To my post For I am needed And I must go Thank the stars! We have made it out We have conquered the storm We have sailed with might