Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Poetry 2019 | Page 75

Friendship has the word 'end' in it Island School, Lam, Ady - 13 yī, The pound of their feet The stink of their belches The laughs they direct at me, a lowly swabbie everyday it’s the same, wiping away their dirty footsteps the mud left on the deck, the stories of dark skinned men with beautiful gems and colossal rocks with waterfalls that stretch to God’s heaven, everyday it’s the same i never get to go along. and i will never get to go along. èr, it’s a bright day, today, the sun searing into my back, the heat is insufferable until shadows, on my back. they arrive; a few cabin boys, two carpenters, one me. sān, i’ve never had a family it’s only ever been me but with them not anymore a sense of belonging, is that what they call this? i’m not just the swabbie anymore, i’m me. Zhou Song. with them i can fight all day eat all day talk all day about how we’re going to be captains of our own vessels about how we’re going to find beautiful women of our own about how we’re going to get out of here soon