Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Poetry 2019 | Page 73

The Moon and the Ship International College Hong Kong, Pareja Lopez, Lucia - 14 All was asleep, except the Moon Who was wide awake She whispered to the waves And the waves whispered back Glancing through the clouds She saw a tiny ship Swimming in the ocean blanket Fighting against the current The Moon, she was curious For she was always alone All was asleep Except her and the ship The clouds grew darker And the birds flew away The storm was coming For the ship The Moon, she followed She tried to save the ship By moving the waves But still the ship continued She pushed and pulled But nothing The sky was black And the storm came closer The Moon, she flew high And called the waves together And together, they lifted the ship Over the storm and over the sky The ocean slept in peace And the storm was gone Not far in the distance The silhouette of an island The Moon, she was curious So she looked closer Tiny men stood on the ship With piles of gold and treasure The moon had heard before From whispers of the sea Of pirates who travelled To steal the rich and gift the poor The pirates were thrilled And celebrated with music They thanked the Moon Goddess And she was pleased