Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Poetry 2019 | Page 24

The New Heroes of the Ming History Good Hope Primary School cum Kindergarten, Wong, Ching Ki - 11 When you spot a ship, A shiver upon your lip. For centuries ago, Pirates were crawling. Grabbing gold and go, For it was the time of stealing. But once, A fleet of ships were sailing, And they were not stealing. Back in the early 1400s, Where the story truly began. Off the hook! Slam the book! Master, my men are ready. Good, all materials trendy? You have my word. Then sail to all landlords. Hundreds of ships and thousands of voyagers Ready to sail But not to jail. Men as brave as lions, Ships loaded with millions of weapons. However the men were young. Can they be heroes? Or just zeroes? Oh! Ho! Ho! We’re sailing at dusk, We’re going to do a trade Which is as fragile as tusk. Head to west, There’s no time to feast, As there’s an adventure that lies ahead! Look up high, Seagulls soaring up the sky! Which was as blue as sapphires, But couldn’t be touch! Fluffy cotton candies, Smell the fresh air, It was beyond compare. Look down, Crystal clear water, Reflecting the men’s image. Eek! Eek! Eek! Dolphins waving cheerfully. Now, tilt your head up! An island had been arrested Out of nowhere. Was it dangerous or safe?