Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Non-Fiction 2020complete | Page 14

Treasure in Greater Bay Area Yaumati Catholic Primary School (Hoi Wang Road), Cheng, Chun Wang - 11 The status of the Greater Bay Area (GBA) has improved recently. It is a decent project and many local initiatives are trying to explore new opportunities in the region. In these fifty years, China has had an important development in technology. Many cities and provinces have been modernized. In addition, there have been keen competitions against foreign cities. China has been important in terms of global economy. With the introduction of the GBA, China’s market share will increase. This is a good chance for enterprises to expand their business. Let’s take Shenzhen as an example. Shenzhen is considered a revolution hub. Many technical and electronics companies, such as Teneent, set up their research base there. In general, the cooperation among different cities and provinces are beneficial to the economic development of both Hong Kong and mainland China. It is difficult for firms to survive by depending on local markets only. However, when they make an effort to learn the cultures, they can expand their business. GBA will help foreign countries to work together to create opportunities. Firms and consumers can pay low transportation fee. This can benefit all the people in the world. Furthermore, GBA will also provide opportunities for teenagers. More jobs will be found and more people will be willing to spend money to buy good.