Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Non-Fiction 2020complete | Page 126

It’s all about the Love for Hong Kong...My home King George V (DLA), John, Sabrina - 13 Hong Kong is my home Macau and China are holiday places to me. Hong Kong is great I’m happy to share if you take care of it and share your place too. I love Hong Kong I love the buildings I love the parks I love Disneyland, movies and cinemas I love the food I love my school I love my family I can imagine a fun place with all of that and also, egg noodles, dumplings, dim sum, mountains, beaches, boats, trains and casinos. There would be egg tarts, pork buns, historical ruins and lots of shopping. There would be hot pot, smoky skies, red and gold decorations, singing, shows and big firework displays. Sharing great places is nice. I say ‘Welcome to the GBA’.