Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Non-Fiction 2020complete | Page 103

with beautiful lighting that showcases inner beauty. It also exposes other economic alternatives that GFA can explore to boost its economy and attract tourists. Ultimately, the GFA showcases a region full of adventures emanating from its carefully crafted system obtained from existing cities that have prospered. Hence, it is the most prolific place to live. Works Cited Bache, Ian, Ian Bartle, and Matthew Flinders. "Multi-level governance." Handbook on theories of governance. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2016. Greenwood, Verity Anne, and Larry Dwyer. "Reinventing Macau tourism: gambling on creativity?" Current Issues in Tourism 20.6 (2017): 580-602. Shapiro, Robert J., Kevin A. Hassett, and Frank S. Arnold. "Conserving energy and preserving the environment: The role of public transportation." (2016). Zhang, Chunxia, et al. "Brief introduction to a unique edible Bolete—Phlebopus portentosus in Southern China." J Agric Sci Technol 7 (2017): 386-394. Zhang, Kevin H. "Urbanization and industrial development in China." China’s Urbanization and Socioeconomic Impact. Springer, Singapore, 2017. 21-35.