Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Non-Fiction 2019 | Page 27

these gifts, the Emperor and its strong team can suggest ideas on how it can help the voyage. For instance, they can use fur from animals to keep the crew on the ship warm during nights and storms. By gaining these financial benefits, it can help not only the country itself but also its development on technology and other areas which could secure the country and show their strengths. To conclude, the financial benefits gained in the Ming Treasure Voyages the people and the economy of the country, making businesses out of it as well as developing technology for the country and the voyage itself. If the Chinese Emperor had continued the Ming Treasure Voyages disregarding the death of Zheng He, it could have opened up an industry and business for China, ensuring their vital position in international trades and affairs. After Zheng He’s death in India, the fleets returned, making it the last voyage for China and its sea. The following dynasties passed by without any development or notice of the Ming Treasure Voyages. Before Zheng He’s death, men and generals have been gaining progress to improve the sea weapons against pirates as well as different functions of the ship to make it more sustainable. Builders have already started building and making the outer structure of the developed models, planning to use it in the 8th voyage for testing. However, when the Emperor had received news regarding Zheng He’s death, he did not continue to pursue the projects and proposals Zheng He had placed. Instead, he terminated the voyages, for good. The new technology developed and encouraged by Zheng He could have been an opportunity for China to sell the parts and tools to other countries, taking the lead as the most advanced in the world. Additionally, China themselves may utilise the tools and equipment, exploring new lands, providing land for agricultural and development purposes, perhaps even an opportunity for colonisation. Building alliances with other nations, aiding one another to strive in areas of struggle. If the Ming Treasure Voyages continued while sustaining connections and relations, a lot of misconceptions and misunderstandings would have been avoided. Western and Middle Eastern countries viewed China as a land of resource, having sufficient land and technology. Pirates would have taken this advantage, seeing the Chinese Emperor did not utilise Zheng He’s designs, they stole a lot of the technology from China to gain power. China, more known to be a ‘closed’ country, due to its huge amount of resources, has been self- sufficient and have not been trading or connecting with the outside world. Rumours were spread across the world and brought different misconceptions towards China. Some said the Emperor kills the poor, some say the Chinese are ghosts at night. This brought disadvantages to China. But, if they made use of the technology Zheng He has developed, they could sell it, tying in with the connections with the international community. It seemed like ever since the end of The Ming Treasure Voyages, China became more separated from the outside, only if they had utilised the technology they had. In conclusion, the Ming Treasure Voyages overall provided many opportunities for the Ming Dynasty. Further, it also explains the affect and influence it had on China and other countries. The financial, long- term benefits and trades, it could have brought to China, the alliances and advantages they come with, how all of that potentially may have prevented conflict and wars happened between nations. China ultimately would be much more well known and more open to the outside world. Economically, the country and its people would have flourished through the humble beginnings of the Ming Treasure Voyages.