Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Non-Fiction 2018 | Page 5

Journey to the West Regents Primary School of Shenzhen, Xia, Yuanming - 7 “J ourney to the West” is a classic Chinese mythological novel. It was based on traditional folklore. With it there are 100 chapters, this fantasy relates to the adventures of a Tang Dynasty priest Xuanzang and his three disciples, Sun Wukong (the Monkey King), Zhu Wuneng(Pigsy) and Sha Wujing (a water buffalo), as they travelled west in search of Buddhist Sutra. The first seven chapters recount the birth of the Monkey King and his rebellion against Heaven. Then in chapters eight to twelve, we learn how Xuanzang was born and why he was setting off the arduous journey to search for Buddhist Sutra. The rest of the story describes how they fought against demons and monsters, tramped over the Fiery Mountain, crossed the Milky Way. After overcoming many dangers, they finally arrived at their destination --- the Thunder Monastery in the Western Heaven --- and found the Sutra. For many Westerners, “ Journey to the West” was their first encounter with Chinese culture. It binds together the nation’s popular culture in a similar way as Star Trek does for the West. With a dragon-prince in the form of a white horse as his steed, Xuanzang was accompanied on his quest by three disciples, Sun Wukong , Zhu Wuneng and Sha Wujing. Among all the characters, the Monkey King is my idol. Born from a stone, the Monkey King had many magical powers. Incredibly loyal, strong and fast. He was a magician capable of taking on 72 different forms. He was a great fighter and each of his hairs could be transformed into objects like weapons and animals. He could also travel vast distances in a single somersault. The monkey, nimble and quick-witted, used these skills to defeat all but the most powerful of demons on the journey. However, the Monkey King’s behavior could be checked by a metal band placed around his head by Guanyin, which could not be removed by the Monkey King himself until the journey ended. Xuanzang could tighten this band by chanting the "Ring Tightening Mantra" whenever he needed to chastise him. Therefore, in this aspect, the Monkey King was under control and he knew very well what he could do. Besides, The Monkey King’s childlike playfulness was a huge contrast to his cunning mind. This, coupled with his great power, made him a cult hero. In short, the Monkey King was loyal, brave, smart, unyielding and optimistic. “ Journey to the West” is always inspiring. As the actor, Zhang Jinlai, who acted as the Monkey King in the TV series said, “If you understand the Monkey King, you understand China. This little monkey has the potential to take the world by storm.” Bold as that statement may be, with roots in Buddhism, folklore, mythology and Taoism, “ Journey to the West” is the standard-bearer of Chinese culture.