Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Non-Fiction 2018 | Page 28

Journey to the west Immaculate Heart of Mary College, Kong, David – 13 O ne night, as quiet as usual I was sitting on the sofa, I was all by myself and closed my eyes to take a rest, thinking about what the television was showing, it’s just unentertaining at all. All of a sudden, I heard a familiar name of a film called the” Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons”. It was a common boring movie for lots of the others, but it made me think of something happened a long time ago. Which was called the Silk Road and also the book that my grandfather read to me when I was just a little boy which has the same name with the movie “Journey to the west”. I’ve noticed, in a Chinese History lesson that, there are some important things for the Chinese Buddhist, they brought back The Book of Han. The book described Buddhism originating in India, the spread of Buddhism became a lot quicker. The first Buddhism book was brought back by the Kushan monk Lokakṣema, and Zhang Qian noted, 'this country is hot and humid. The people ride elephants into battle.' Although Ban Yong explained that they revered the Buddha, and neither killed nor fought, he recorded nothing about the excellent texts, virtuous Law, and meritorious teachings and guidance. As for myself, here is what I have heard: This kingdom is even more flourishing than China. The seasons are in harmony. Saintly beings descend and congregate there. Great Worthies arise there. Strange and extraordinary marvels occur such that human reason is suspended. By examining and exposing the emotions, one can reach beyond the highest heavens. The silk, the main core of the Silk Road which had brought the east and west together for the first time. It is very important for the diplomatic of China and the other countries like Xiongnu they caused a lot of problems to the Chinese for a very long period of time. But after the trade of The Silk Road, the Xiongnu didn’t border the Chinese for centuries. This shows the importance of silk at that time. Actually, the Silk Road was also a road for cultural exchange. Chinese merchants brought back to China with spices and herbs which could not be found in China, and that changed the way of cooking of Chinese people and their living styles as well. As silk was a very popular material in other countries, Chinese merchants could use it for getting something luxurious in return. Precious stones like gems were included on the trading list of Chinese merchants. The business of the Silk Road was affected by the economy of different dynasties of China. In Han Dynasty, a man called Zhang Qian was sent to the west by the emperor. He represented China to greet the west for the very first time, and since then, the trading between China and the west continued on the Silk Road. Now there are different ways to trade with the other countries around the globe. Nowadays Chinese sell lots of goods like coal, cars and also clothes for factories. The world is in peace right now so the trade isn’t for diplomatic but, for the friendship and unity of the world. As time changes, and the way to transport goods to other countries are also different. Like the planes, ships they made the trade easier and faster. That help the international economy with their speed. The economy wasn’t that good as they used camels, horses or even on foot. Like the story, Journey to the West , the main characters, went to the west was their dream , and that might be also the dream of many Chinese at that time. It seems that the modern China is very much different from the ancient one. However, the wisdom of our ancestors is always helping us to go further. No one knows what will happen next, like our ancestors they might have also come across with unexpected threats or risk on the Silk Road, but they were determined and they had faith in their hearts which supported them to the road of trading and also success. They opened the way for us to go to other countries, and we should also open ourselves to open more gates for our next generation. Now trading with other countries is much easier, and China with its strong economy has become the big brother in Asia which is having a leading role in trading. China is willing to open itself to the world and welcoming them to see more of our products as well as our culture. Though the transportation and communication between countries are faster than before, Chinese way of trading which emphasize honestly, fairness, negotiation and friendship will never change. The fact is we have also inherited the blood of our ancestors who were once brave enough to weather the bad conditions in trading on the Silk Road and going to the West, so we would also be outstanding in the modern business world.