Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Non-Fiction 2018 | Page 16

The Mischievous Sun Wukong
Korean International School , Robinson , Conor – 10

Sun Wukong is a character from Journey to the West and also named Monkey King . He was born on the Fruit and Flowers Mountain and became the king of the mountain . The monkey king also became immortal . His master was Xuan Zang . He was a very mischievous monkey but in the end he became good . He became friends with the new disciples of Xuan Zang and was not mean and grumpy to them although he was a little bit grumpy when they first met .

Sun Wukong was a mischievous monkey and did a lot of naughty things . When the Jade Emperor ’ s mother did not invite him to the annual Peach festival , he took revenge and ate all the peaches in the Heavenly Peach Garden . He rebelled after he was put in charge of the Heavenly Stables and found out it was not a very important post . He decided then to drink all the potions of longevity . When one night , the spirits captured him and brought him to the officials of hell , Sun Wukong crossed out his name from the book of life and death . That is also how Sun Wukong became immortal .
Sun Wukong ’ s weapon is the Golden Banded Staff ( Ruyi Jingu Bang ). He took it from the Dragon King in the Eastern seas after someone told him that the dragon king holds lots of weapons in his palace . The Dragon King got the staff from Heaven to hold the sea in place . Sun Wukong also has lots of powers like he can do seventy-two types of shape-shifting . One time he turned into a temple because he needed to escape from the Heavenly General that was trying to capture him . Another time he turned into a beautiful girl because he wanted to capture a demon that liked pursuing girls . He could do all sorts of other things as well . For example , he could also travel thousands of kilometres in one somersault .
He was much too mischievous so the Buddha crushed him under the Five Elements Mountain for 500 years . Lots of years later , a person named Xuan Zang was going to India to get some important Buddha scriptures . He found Sun Wukong under the mountain and rescued him . Sun Wukong then became his disciple and bodyguard . On the way , they met other demons that became Xuan Zang ’ s bodyguards as well . One of their names was Piggy , the demon that pursued girls . Sun Wukong turned himself to a beautiful village girl and when the demon came , he gave him a good beating and forced him to be Xuan Zang ’ s second disciple . Sandy , the other disciple , was a demon which lives in the the Flowing Sand river and he captured Xuan zang . Guanyin , the goddess which sent Xuan Zang to India , came to rescue Xuan Zang and Sandy became his third disciple .
The Journey To India was very bad because Xuan Zang , Piggy , monkey king and Sandy encountered lots of terrifying and ugly demons on the way and needed lots of help from Guanyin . In the end , Sun Wukong became the god of Conquest as a reward for his courage .