Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction Group 3 | Page 98

In the kingdom of Ysomr, nothing is like our home back in China — the animals and Ysomrians co-exist together in harmony, the architecture are alive, and they have a whole ecosystem, where the Ysomrians and the animals, or should I say also Yosmrians benefit each other. However, they do have an emperor like us. The Yosmrians we met lead us straight to their palace, where we met the emperor, who . “Who are you and why are you here?” He asked while we bowed towards him. “Your highness, my name is Zheng He and we are here in courtesy of the Yongle emperor from China, to deliver these gifts of good-will. We mean no harm.” I replied. “No harm?” The emperor questioned, “No harm? You show up out of nowhere, murder half of my army, my defenders, there to keep evil beings such as yourself out, and now you leave us helpless from attacks, and you claim to mean no harm?” “I’m so sorry your highness, please we didn’t know.” I pleaded, “We were running out of provisions and desperately needed a way in—” “Say no more! All of you, please return back to where you came from. You will get your provisions, if you vow to never return here or inform others about the kingdom of Ysomr.” The emperor answered.“In fact, I’ll save you the trouble.” With a snap of his fingers, we all returned to our junks, which have already plotted course to return to China, with sufficient provisions next to us…