Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction Group 3 | Page 289

New Tales of the Ming Treasure Voayages Yew Chung International School, Huang, Xixuan - 12 I was following Emperor Zhu Di cautiously and closely as the magnificent sight shined its light upon all of us. We halted immediately, with various soldiers, merchants, and farmers attending the epic departure of Admiral Zheng He’s fleet of ships, numbered up to hundreds of them. However, standing boldly in the heart of the sea of boats, was Zheng He’s ship. It was huge and towering, casting a dark shadow that covered the entire block, including the golden, expensive carriage carried the emperor. Zhu Di glanced momentarily at the fleet, and I sensed amazement inside him. There wasn’t much to say except some prayers for luck. I was strolling around the ship when I overheard a conversation between the Emperor and Zheng He inside a private cabin. I froze at frowned to myself for eavesdropping, I turned to leave them in private when a part of their plan triggered me to pull myself closer. “Find him! He is the ONLY reason for this voyage!” said the Emperor with a low but extremely firm voice. “Absolutely, your majesty. Trust me on this. We shall have him back even if it takes us the end of the sea.” Zheng He replied with so much calmness. Feeling satisfied, the stern looking emperor sneered, “Very well then.” Zhu Di passed him a golden scroll and strode silently towards the carriage. I was puzzled by the information and the mysterious conversation that happened. Who is HE?! I took a quivering breath. What was going on? The Emperor inspired the crew with his eloquent speech before heaving. His voice was still resonating- “Explore the world of the unknown, spread the glory of Ming Dynasty wherever you go!” I sat there, feeling solitary at the dock, watching the gigantic red hot ball of fire rising from the endless sea at the horizon. I knew it was time for the ships to take sail. I watched eagerly as the sails started to move automatically and swiftly. Slowly, we descended towards the unknown, leaving an unsettling feeling gurgling in my mind. The mystery must be unravelled. Being the chief officer of the crew, I was busy with the operations on the dock and had no time to figure out what that conversation was about between the emperor and Admiral. Over hundreds of gigantic boats carrying soldiers, water, food, silks, farm products, and art crafts, sailing in the infinite ocean. Weeks had passed without seeing any land. The ocean was not always peaceful. It was soon when I realized everyone became nostalgia and started to be paranoid when we had to face the extreme weathers. Soon we were travelling in between of meters of tidy waves. We had no control over our boats, feeling that they were made of papers. Waves crashed and flushed away some of our smaller ones. Admiral Zheng held the flag pole and stood still in the storm, in front of the crew, assuring them confidence. When it was all over, gasps and low murmuring rippled through the night sky. Everybody felt we have survived from a trip to hell. The next morning, it was about to rain again. I awoke with pain all over my body, and a spinning world. I stumbled out of my private cabin. So many people were fixing the oars and holes on the ship. I had to find Admiral Zheng He, and see how he was doing. I strolled around the marvellous boat. The deck was made of sturdy oak, one of the most expensive wood in China. After the disastrous storm, everything was still attached. He was within his private cabin, silently staring at the golden scroll. He asked me to lock the door, then quickly handed over the mysterious scroll. It was strictly forbidden for me to open and read. I looked at him bemused, seeking confirmation. He nodded with trust in his eyes. I carefully opened the scroll, it was a short poem from the emperor’s handwriting. Kindness to be spread, Inland and Outland, Light the way you travel, Lead people to prosperity. Hold on to your dream, Into the deep blue sea, Magnificence we shine!