Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction Group 3 | Page 286

The Infinite Seas Yew Chung International School, Ho, Ching Hei - 11 The rolling thunder rang in his ears as lightning came charging down onto the ship, causing the wood to crack under the pressure. The water rocked the ship violently as the rain came pouring down from the darkened skies, chaos and discord was all he can see, screams and yells was all he could hear. He was scared to death, but he couldn’t move. He was completely paralyzed, unable to move a single muscle, his eyes scanned the scene, the ship was falling apart, and it was going down. Fast. The ship was slowly tilting to one side, unbalancing everything and throwing off people into the deep sea. He was starting to lose balance, and was slowly sliding down to the lower side, and all he could think of was his family. Before he knew it he was thrown off the ship and into the relentless sea. Ming snapped awake, heavily breathing and sweat pouring down from his forehead, his breathing and heartbeat slowly settled down and managed to sit up despite his exhaustion from the interrupted sleep. His eyes adjusted to the light after he rubbed his eyes. He went to his closet and selected his usual clothes, a white piece of rugged cloth which had the shape of a long-sleeved shirt, black long pants and his signature skull-embedded bandana. Ming put on his clothes and slid the decorative door open and with a quiet thud it closed behind him.... Ming, with silent footsteps leisurely strolled down the corridor, and eventually reached the decks, the sea was rocking the Orion gently as if it was its baby, the sun was spitting out polychrome colours, decorating the morning sky with rainbow clouds, the mild breeze blew on Ming’s face as he stared out into the distance, lost in his own daydream. He was abruptly interrupted by an ordinary seamen (lowest ranking personnel in the deck department), telling him to go the an urgent meeting and he was late for it, he rushed to the meeting but to only find everyone already sat down. He hurried to his seat and bowed to the captain before sitting down. Drumming his fingers against the table impatiently, he whirled his head around when the captain called his name. “Yes?” replied Ming. “I suppose you have everything under control on the staff side of things?” asked the captain as he arched his eyebrows. “Yes, captain,” voiced Ming, “Why do you ask?” “Well, it’s because that I just wanted to make sure of things.” grinned the captain, in the process, showing his golden canine tooth. Ming pretended to smile back in return, but was forced to stop when several snickers came from the Engineering Crew because it looked like him trying to show his dirty teeth to everyone. “The ship is still headed to India, right?” noted the captain. “Yes. captain, it is indeed heading to Chennai,” answered the Chief Navigator, Mei “According to the map that out fellow navigators have drawn, we might be able to reach Chennai an hour early.” “Good.” uttered the captain “Is th-” An ear splitting boom rang in Ming’s ears, as he was blown back and was somersaulted onto the wall, he quickly regained control of his body and stood up, drawing his sword which he named “Shen Jian”.