Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction Group 3 | Page 111

Noah's Journey Island School, Deleu, Zoe - 11 Around 168 years ago, there was a group of Pirates. Now, these Pirates are not the typical Pirates that you read in fairy tales or story books because these were good Filibusters. They did take things like Gold and Silk and more precious things that would make your spine shiver with excitement if you had them. But what did they did with these items are different then normal pirates; they would give the gold and silk away as gifts to their beloved captain and sailors. "Pffft what a fairy tale" said Noah. "Like anyone would believe in this sort of stuff and which type of pirates gives away gold like people give away candy. This is just a bag full of nonsense" he said once again. He shut the book and put it back on the shelf, he then turned off the lights and went to sleep. But what Noah did not know was that he was not going to wake up in the same place that he fell asleep in. No no no, he would wake up far far far away from the place he had fallen asleep in. Waves lapping over each other like the way when you apply a second layer of paint onto a canvas is the sound that Noah woke up to hearing "Em turn it down" he shouted the sound stayed the same "Em turn it down" He shouted again but a little louder, still no change in the sound "EMILY TURN YOU MUSIC OFF NOW" he said for the last time. " I had enough" he replied he got out of bed and looked around "where am I and why can I hear the ocean" he said. He heard laughing from coming from upstairs " I better go check that out maybe mom and Em are just playing a trick on me ". Noah opens the trap door of the boat and sees something very very unexpected. "what the" he whispers while looking at this confusing but funny sight, six men who are dressed exactly like pirates and another one who looks like he is the Pirate Captain. "us legends pfft how old does he think he is" one Pirate says "probably like 3 years" replies another pirate followed by the sound of laughter. "sorry to interrupt this very childish party but where am I and why am I hear" Noah finally says, the pirates look at him with a look that would have killed three rabbits. "Our Question is why you think we are a silly old bag of nonsense" replies the first pirate. "What are you talking about" replied Noah while thinking of when he ever called anything that ."Last Night after only reading half a page of our book you stated that we were a bag full of nonsense and that we are just a legend" said another pirate "oh you guys are for real and you are the pirates of the Ming Treasure?"Noah says being even more confused than before "Listen w just want to prove to you that we are real so to prove it go into that room" says the Pirate Captain "why should I trust you-you think that you are Pirates and You kidnapped me who in the world would do that" Noah says "Pirates?" everyone says "Fine I will go in the room but you have to promise to bring me back home after this we have a deal" Noah states "sure but that will take a days" says the captain "what I have a Chinese test tomorrow and if I miss it I will get in to trouble huge trouble" replies Noah "well young sir we are in the Pacific Ocean" says the captain in charge "wait only Filibusters can do this type of stuff So you are the pirates from the Ming Treasure are you" Noah says shamelessly "that is what we are trying to tell you" says the first pirate. "Well then let’s turn back"Noah says pointing to the steering wheel so the Captain of the ship yells "you heard the boy it takes 72 hours to go back come on move it". 1 -2 days go by, Noah and the Pirates getting closer and closer back to Hong Kong "are we there yet" Noah says "probably another day or two" replies the first Pirate. By now Noah knows all about pirates what type of chores they do how to find gold, how to speak like a pirate and even what the pirates eat ( Noah's favourite meal was Bone Soup). A few more hours go by and Noah hears something "what is that noise" Noah says with cautious. "What does it sound like" replies the Captain. "Like some sort of horn blowing" Noah says. The pirate captain looks at the crew with death in his eye "it is the Blowing horn" the captain says "the blowing who" says Noah while all of the crew members are getting their weapons and preparing for a battle "the blowing horn are our enemies they will possibly kill us if they can"replies the Captain "here arm yourself up and get ready for battle" says the fourth pirate. "But-but I do not even know how to fight" says Noah "well just try to win" says the sixth pirate giving a large gesture of cutting a body part. Ha Aya Ha Ho Hi Har and blades hitting each other is what the atmosphere sounds like "it feels like this has been going on for days" shouts Noah, "i\It has only been 3 hours" shouts the captain. One more hour goes by and the Ming Treasure Pirates and Noah Loose. "Where are they taking us" replies Noah. "Onto their boat we are their prisoners know" replies the second pirate "I CAN NOT BE A PRISONER I HAVE TO