Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction Group 3 | Page 33

New Tales of the Ming Treasure Voyages Diocesan Boys' School, Fung, Cheng Kiu Alex - 13 Prologue Historically, Chinese dragon is not only a symbol of imperial power but also strength, particularly control over droughts, typhoons, and floods. Although it is impossible to study the dragon's power is true or not, but for thousands of years, there have been numerous stories, tales, and legends about dragons. In people’s mind, the dragon is always mysterious and sacred. I travelled with the admiral Zheng He and my father, Chen Hai for an expedition to the Indian Ocean in winter five years ago. It was really a once-in-a-lifetime experience. We encountered an incredible incident which was not written in history, but one which I saw with my own eyes. * * * My name is Chen Dan with a nickname, Xiao Dan. I am twenty years old. I have gone sailing with my father since childhood. He has been working as the Captain of the ship sailing with Zheng He in the past six voyages. “Xiao Dan, I’m going to take the seventh voyage with Zheng He next month,” said Father. “Xuande Emperor has again appointed admiral Zheng He to command the fleet. This expedition is going to have more than three hundred gigantic ships travelling to South China Sea, Indian Ocean and Red Sea. So, they are seeking for twenty-seven thousand men for this expedition.” “How long will you be away this time?” I inquired disappointedly. “This is gonna be three years. Do you want to come with me?” asked Father. “Really?” I exclaimed, overjoyed. “I’d love to come with you! So, what’s my role gonna be? A captain like you?” “Of course not,” he replied. “You’ll be the First Officer reporting to the Captain on the Supply ship.” “Wow! My dream job, First Officer! I’ll be responsible for hoisting the anchor and taking care of the fitting out of the vessel and examining whether it is sufficiently provided with ropes, pulleys, sails and all other rigging that are necessary for the voyage, right?” I overjoyed. “This time I’ll be working on the Treasure ship with the admiral Zheng He. Son, make sure you listen to the order from the Ship Captain, okay?” Father said sharply. “Sure, Father!” I answered cheerfully. * * * It had been 100 days since I left my hometown, Nanjing. In my ship, I gazed up, and saw millions of stars shimmering in the coal-black sky. The moon shone in the cloudless sky with all her gleams. She looked like a glossy dish of silver. The sparkling stars twinkled around the moon and made her more ravishing. The scenery was just so magnificent. When I was relaxingly looking at this beautiful sky, someone called out my name. “Xiao Dan!” It was Ship Captain, Xuefei. “What's the matter, Captain?” I asked.