Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction Group 3 | Page 156

Magnificent voyage of the voyagers Korean International School, Tong, Crystal - 12 On the 6th June, 1401, seven voyagers, Bob, Max, David, William, James, John, and Robert sailed on a ship by the Ming Treasure fleet, ready for an adventurous adventure. They prepared cargoes of gold and silk, huge bags of delightful gifts brought from the emperor and food to give away as presents to people, stored at the back of their ship. Each voyager carried a sack, in there were deadly weapons in case of pirate attacks. David, William and Robert made a map to show the route they will be sailing in. Everytime they see people along the way, they will give out a bag of gift to every person. Early in the morning, Bob, the energetic voyager woke everyone up. He can hardly wait for the back of the ship to be empty again. Bob was jumping around on the ship reading people’s mind. Max and James was making sure they everything ready, including 100 litres of water, 95 boxes of bread, all their weapons, the map, and most importantly, their gifts. They double checked, checked again, and checked for the fourth time. They were ready. David, William and Robert was settled in their seats, went through the map over and over again so they knew exactly where they were going and what they were going to do if something goes wrong. John was practicing his fighting skills, doing 100 pushups, 20 laps of running around the palace, and of course carried his favourite sword. The sword wasn’t a regular deadly sword. It was made of steel, so deadly that if the sword touches you gently, your skin would cut open. It was 9:00 in the morning, and they were ready to start the adventure. The captain hopped onto the ship, followed by the seven voyagers. The gifts were locked at the back so no one, nothing could steal the gifts. The captain carried the key and five extra ones. The ship started moving, and their military forces followed behind in their own wooden boat. They could smell lovely clean fresh air and birds flew above water. Underneath were small fishes, and from time to time, there would be dolphins jumping high above the ocean, and diving back in with a loud “splash!” David, the most trustworthy voyage, pulled out the map. According to the map, they have arrived at their first stop, so David gave the captain a hand signal. As they got nearer to the shore, they saw a girl and her mum on the top of a cliff. They were still a distance away from the girl, so they weren’t sure what was going on. They jumped of the ship, and the captain carried the gifts. Carrying their sacks and essentials, the voyages ran towards the cave. The cave was 890 feet high and the rocks were slippery. John lead the way up to the top. Bob almost fell off a few times since he was skipping his way up and shouting “yaahooooo” every 10 seconds. David who was concentrating on the map, was scared that they might be lost, but decided to trust John with where they were going. A few minutes later, they have finally reached the top of the cave. They ran towards the girl and her mother. Out of curiosity, the mother asked, “What are you looking at and why are you here?” Bob answered “Don’t you know us? We are the seven voyagers, appearing in newspapers, also known as the kind sailors. We are on a voyage travelling around the world and giving gifts to people! Captain, gift bag!” The captain pulled out two gift bags and threw it to Bob. Bob catched them and gave them to the the girl and her mother. The girl and her mother were very happy to be able to meet these famous voyagers and receive presents from them. The mother said “Thank you so much, my daughter and I are very happy to have this wonderful opportunity to see you. You, Bob and the rest of your group, have made my day. We were standing on this cliff bringing back all the memories of seven years ago,when my husband passed away here in this exact same spot. He was trying to find gold for us to survive since we were very poor back then, but then he got attacked by pirates. This gift bag makes me feel happier knowing that I could give this to my husband. That way, he would be happy to see that we received gold, and didn’t die for no reason. Once again, thank you very much, because of you voyagers, my daughter and I have got this tragedy out of our chests.” After hearing this touching speech, the seven voyagers couldn’t help but let a tear fall out of their eyes. They hopped back onto the ship, and continued on their voyage. Not long later, they were already near their next stop, the Indian ocean. They moved closer to the beach, and from a distance, they saw people playing in the water, throwing beach balls and relaxing on the sand. The captain settled their ship, and they jumped off again. Starting from the middle of the beach, they started giving people their gifts. The voyagers couldn’t stop smiling. This was the reason why they even decided to go on this voyage, giving out gold and food to random people they don’t even know! They did this just to spread joy around the world, hoping that everyone that receives these gifts, would continue the rest of their day with a smile on their face. The people along the beach were very friendly.