Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction Group 3 - 2017 | Page 300

The Attack on the Old City of Shanghai Sha Tin College, Follick, Ryan – 13 1 937, Deep in the middle of Shanghai there was a special place, the old city. It was no ordinary city, it was used for the government's secret meetings as well as heavily guarded by reinforced walls. The only way to enter the old city was by the eight doors surrounding it. It was once a peaceful sanctuary until one day the invaders came. They slowly inched their way into conquering Shanghai, everyone tried to enter the old city as it was most protected and secure area. However, slowly the old city was overflowed with people, and they had no choice but to seal the city gates. The head of defense and leader of the army for the Old City of Shanghai was Commander Sheng and his best General, Hong. Their duty was to keep the city and its citizens safe. Sheng had his best elite fighters by each door and in watchtowers. Sheng also had someone else he cared about more than anything else in the world, his son Chin who was soon to be seventeen. Chin was a strong fighter, training religiously everyday. His dream was to follow the steps of his father; a commander leading an army. He usually resides at the temple training his combat skills and sword fighting. Located in the middle of the city, the temple was where generals and commanders met for discussions. Near the temple were houses, farms and livestock to keep the city sustained to survive another ten more years. The city did it's trading using mines; miners would dig out iron and gold to trade with the other areas of China. Unfortunately, that was no longer an option since the entire Shanghai was flooded with invading soldiers. After the city started to adapt to it's overwhelming population, they found that the invaders had slowly relocated to the outskirts of the old city, the outer areas of Shanghai were torn down and transformed into farms, all made to provide food for the invaders. Medical centers were also built for their benefit. One of the watchman's on the towers came to report to Sheng. Instantly, Sheng knew the invaders were planning an attack and if the city wasn't prepared to repel the attack it will cripple to the ground. Immediately, he set up his men and army.. Whenever there were gunshots, someone in a watchtower was killed. The shots became more frequent, killing every visible figure in the towers. Sheng knew it was the beginning. He ordered his men into a defensive formation, also sending his generals in with Hong by his side. Hong being one of the main generals was next to be in command if anything ever happened to Sheng. Few moments after the shooting seemingly subsided they heard a loud “BOOM”. One of the gates flew right off. It was the invaders, they battled through the soldiers guarding the gate and charged, streaming into the city. The rest of Sheng’s army charged into battle desperately fending off the invaders. All of a sudden another door was blasted down, the invaders flooded the vicinity forcing the city soldiers to surrender. Except for a few survivors, Sheng’s son, Chin managed to hide from the invaders. They didn’t notice him when they left the city, everyone cleared out except for Chin.. He knew the city depended on him, he had to save his city and the villagers. Around one week later Chin gathered all the materials he required, as well as weapons left behind after the attack. The invaders didn`t begin construction yet, the city was still a blank slate, but they’ll be back soon enough. Chin prepared himself mentally and physically, advancing towards the outskirts of the city. Searching for any signs of the invader’s return or any surviving villagers. In the distance he saw a man on the road. He ran towards him, it was Hong. Chin hopefully asked “Is there anyone else?“. Hong weakly pointed towards the end of the gravel road to a small building. He wrapped a piece of clo th around Hong’s injured arm. He was weak, struggling to move. When Chin finally made it to the building he heard chains and screams for help pleading for mercy, he knew he was at the right place. He peaked through one of the windows and saw his father in the center of the building along with soldiers, and many others villagers chained up to the walls. Chin waited until dusk for the soldiers to leave, around midnight all the soldiers had left the building to go to their military bunkers to rest. Chin knew now was his chance. He sneaked into the building and whispered into his father's ear “Dad,”. Sheng woke up and saw Chin he replied “How did you get out?”. “Talk later, we need to save everyone else!”. He helped his Dad out of the chains, the other old city soldiers as well as the villagers. Once everyone was freed they attempted to flee the building. One of the guards came back from his break,