Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction Group 3 - 2017 | Page 262

The Legends of Shanghai Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School, Lam-Decker, Ryan – 12 R alph Toa Von Strucker, the greatest adventurer in the world, who was scared of nothing, and the biggest dare devil. Ralph scurried into the woods in search to find the great mountain above the clouds, just like in his dream. A dream so real it was almost like a vague memory. He climbed up the treacherous mountain until he came across an old crumbling, abandoned temple. The sides of the walls were covered in thick green moss. Ralph scraped off the moss and saw ancient carvings. He suddenly realised which mountain he was on - Mount Penglai. Ralph hurried to the peak of the mountain, for an ancient carving spoke of the Elixir of life. When Ralph reached the peak he saw a big Shinto shrine, the walls were bright red and the floor was a polished marble and there were jade statues of immortals who live on the mountain such as Fāngzhàng (方丈), Yíngzhōu (瀛州), Dàiyú (岱輿), and Yuánjiāo (員嬌)*. In the centre was an old tattered suit of armour hooked on wall. Beside it was an old monk with a great white beard and scars all over his back. He was holding two candles in his hands, sitting there shirtless with the cold wind blowing at him. All was quiet until the candles blew out and the monk slowly and softly whispered: “Toa”. The wind howled in the shrine room and Ralph felt a slight chill run down his back, he slowly turned and looked with a confused face and spoke: “Have we met before?” The monk slowly replied: “Yes…but not in this life time” The wind blew and whistled, Ralph was about to talk then the monk interrupted and said: “Shhh…I know you will question what I say, but listen, what I am about to tell you is true. Come closer son” Ralph slowly walked towards the monk. The monk stuck out his hand and reached for Ralph’s head. He placed two fingers on the side of Ralph’s head. The eerie sound of Ralph’s scream filled the air. Ralph panted heavily, pushed the monks hand away, looked at the monk and said: “The destruction of the world! How did you just do that! What was that, was that the future?” Ralph panted heavily, he looked at is surroundings, but nothing had happened. “Yes, that is indeed the future but now you can change it, because I have found you, Toa” the monk replied, “Now listen child” again the monk reached out for Ralph’s head. Ralph saw a flash of light when the monk began, “Almost a hundred years ago there was a team of heroes that travelled through time to protect our world from LIVE ‘EVIL’ incorporation, a society that wanted the destruction of earth; the heroes were called ‘The Legends’. There were 6 members in the team including you, Toa. This suit of armour belongs to you. With this armour you fought through time and saved the world countless times; the death of Adolf Hitler, they said he killed himself, but it was you.” “That was me? All I remember from my dream has something to do with… Shanghai?” Ralph tried his best to remember about his adventures in Shanghai. “Right. The Old City in Shanghai nowadays contains some ancient but renovated features, such as the Yuyuan Garden complex, which was really beautiful and also the City God Temple.