Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction Group 3 - 2017 | Page 185

The Mystery of Mysteries
Harrow International School Hong Kong , Mesquita De Melo , Matilde - 13


he creak of a floorboard woke me up at the crack of dawn . Light from the dusty table lamp next to me seeped into my vision . I slowly fluttered awake and shifted up into a seated position with my back against the delicately engraved wardrobe behind me . My head throbbed from last night , I pulled out my hair tie from in between the strands of my hair and snapped it onto my wrist , only to then slip on my worn out trainers and sling on my battered backpack . Aching , I staggered up , my back straining from last night ’ s exertions .
I hobbled uneasily over to the open doorway and was immediately introduced to the Shanghai morning rays of sunlight . A yawn escaped me as I noticed the meticulous pattern of skyscrapers . Like a beautifully , well thought out piece of art , a wave of metal cascading down only to swoop back up leading into the great Shanghai tower . I knew I was only here for one reason but how wonderful it would be to take in the views of Shanghai from six hundred meters up in the sky . One could only dream .
I slowly limped over to cross the street , drawing no attention to myself when I spotted an agile blur . A movement so quick that only one with the eyes of a screech owl could identify . This fleeting mystery dashed into an alley , a dark nauseating road of obscurity .
Now me , being an inquisitive human being , pursued this mysterious figure and found myself coming face to face with my mystery .
A girl .
No , not just any normal girl , a scrawny little creature . And even though this little girl looked frail and drained , her eyes had a spark , a spark of which bustled with eagerness and fascination .
Fascinating fear .
“ Are you lost ?” I inquired .
She shook her head .
“ Not lost- but scared ” she stuttered . A flow of questions ebbed into my mind .
“ What are you scared of ?” I sputtered .
“ Time- no- there is no time .” She hissed under her breath . Then she did something unexpected . She whizzed past me , and gently laid her small hand on the great Shanghai tower , then disappeared .
Nothing but the great structure of steel and metal was left standing . No little six-year-old girl standing next to it . Just a building in the middle of a bustling city . Then I remembered . My mission as to why I came here in the first place . A poem , a beautifully written piece of poetry that had a mystery to it . But then again why would that be