Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction Group 3 - 2017 | Page 146

The New Tales of Old Shanghai
Discovery Bay International School , Gordon , James - 12
January 9th 1993 ,


s I get up this morning , I notice the sun smiling down on me whilst hugging me with its warmth . I look out the window and for the first time in my life I feel different . It ' s like my eyes are opening up to a new concept of seeing things here in Shanghai for the very first time . I see the contrast of the village around me and the modern-day buildings standing tall into the crystal , clear sky . Nowadays , the only thing really separating the city and the countryside is our ever-faithful river . I think to myself ,“ How long will it be before there is no more left of the incredible old Shanghai ?” Hundreds of villages have already been overrun by the city . All the natural scenery will be gone and missed not long from now . The upcoming generations will never experience the true beautiful culture of this amazing habitat .
I walk outside and step onto the nature that surrounds me . As the moisture of the grass sooths my feet I hear the chirping sound of the birds in the early morning ( the sounds comforting my ears ). Then I gaze up and see the huge cranes looming menacingly over the buildings in the distance . Cars , buses and a seemingly never ending parade of vehicles . The overpopulation and huge billboards are quite simply overwhelming . I smile to myself , thinking how happy I am living in a peaceful environment rather than that noisy city traffic ! It was hard to live knowing inside , that my village would eventually one day also turn into a noisy city over burdened with traffic . Brushing the thoughts aside , I go back into my house and get ready for work . Packing my day bag , I hear a frantic banging on my front door . I quickly run over to open it wondering who or what it could be ? My neighbour , a long-time resident of our village , appears at the door .“ Look at the news !”, he yells , passing me the newspaper . It says ‘ Lang Hai village ’ ( my village ) is to be turned into Shanghai ’ s biggest water park with work starting as soon as April 3rd this year ! I rub my eyes hoping this can ’ t be true . It ’ s like my earlier thoughts had just come immediately to life . This isn ’ t a good start to my day .
It turns 8:45am as I get onto the boat to go to work in the city . I can ’ t help but anger myself over the newspaper article . Thoughts raced through my mind .“ Where am I going to live ?”.“ The city ?”“ I hate the city .” Surely they can ’ t take away my home . I look again at the newspaper and I noticed some bold text in the bottom right corner . It was a notice from the government ,‘ We have all legal rights to put a water park in this area .’ Now I ’ m really in trouble . All of my villager mates and I , are going to have to split up and live somewhere else . I begin to remember about all the great times we have had at the village and how soon I am going to have to abandon my childhood home . The special lake I used to always splash around in when I was a kid , the trees I used to climb with my parents when I was younger . A lot of really good times . The boat hits the jetty with a thud and the jolt brings me back to the present moment . I get off the boat and head towards my office .
As I walk out the lift I am greeted by my boss .“ You ’ ve been working really hard lately and I would like to show my appreciation by giving you a promotion !”“ Thank-you boss !”, I responded excitedly . He shuffles me into the lift and we head upstairs . As the lift door opens , my eyes begin to water as I take in the luxurious décor . I ’ d never seen anything this grand . Wow ! I thought to myself . The place was huge , absolutely massive .