Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction Group 3 - 2017 | Page 14

The Warning
British International School , Shanghai , Puxi ( BISS Puxi ), Tang , Emma - 12
England , December 1930

A lighthouse guard lit a cigarette lazily . He was just about to close the blinds when a sudden movement caught his eye . However , after he scrutinized the horizon again and it did not reoccur , he shrugged to himself and stalked away . If he had looked a little closer , he would have seen a pale boy with brown hair , around thirteen , getting tied up and beaten savagely .

Shanghai , March 1931
The only thing Jamie remembered was a hand seizing him and the rocking of a boat on the sea , an overwhelming feeling of dread and cold resentment . A sharp stabbing pain appeared in his torso and he couldn ’ t breathe .
Jamie awoke to the sound of distant muttering that he couldn ’ t quite make out . He tried to sit up and instantly a wave of nausea blurred his vision . Images flashed in his mind , a cobbled street , a man who resembled a hawk … all jumbled up , throwing his brain into yet another world of confusion . He was sure these images formed a picture , though he didn ’ t have a clue how to arrange them . Maybe that was why he was here now ; maybe he had been too close to the answer before . The Jamie before would know , but the new Jamie would have to start from the beginning .
The muttering closed on him and a boy , around his age , with dirty blond hair , came into view .
“ Who are you ?” the blond boy enquired , an edge of annoyance in his voice .
“ Jamie .”
“ Right , well , we were all brought here because our parents were influential Lords . This is their revenge , see , they ’ re going to keep us here until the ransom price gets high enough . My name is Sixten , by the way .”
72 hours of sitting in a wall-surrounded courtyard gave Jamie plenty of time to think – without any distractions , about an escape plan . Every day food was slotted through a window , which according to Sixten was an attempt to make them look healthy for photos in the ransom notes . Sometimes he wondered about Sixten ’ s past . On the outside Sixten was constantly jubilant and talkative , though his kaleidoscopic eyes told another story . Every night Jamie dozed off with more and more unanswered questions , but as he searched his mind , there was only a hollow space that greeted his curiosity .
One day , for the first time the gate opened and a dwarf like man with features stretched to the extreme entered . He handed them a piece of tattered paper .
“ This is a ransom note . Take it to the lawyer in the government building . He ’ ll help you , I ’ m sure . And beware of the man that looks like a hawk . He is ShenWu , the leader of our gang .” As soon as he said that , Jamie felt himself plunged into dizziness , like he was being strangled by an invisible hand made of ice . “ I ’ ve had enough , they ’ ll kill me when they find out , but at least in life I ’ ve done something useful . There ’ s a hole under the back wall , just tug on the big rod and it will open . It should be easy , getting into the government building . Good luck and fare well .”